Dang, Manish, you really took this one and ran with it!! BEAUTIFUL transitions and I really loved where you went with it. I'm going to save it to start after college week is over when I get back to try to reset my life <3 <3 Thanks for staying so consistent and showing the rest of us how it's done. :)

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Thanks Emily for all the encouragement at all times.. Your feedbacks on my rough pieces are gold🤗 You too have a role to play in my content showing up the way it does ..

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Wonderfully articulated.

Adding on a point: The mere repetition of a behavior causes our nervous system to believe that the specific actions involved, and the context in which they are embedded are important.

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I couldn't agree more !!! And the habit also instils self belief .. a kind of trust in my abilities.. its subtle but its there..

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Outstanding! The best article I have read in many months!

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