Goal setting seems simple...Setting systems are difficult...Brain always chooses simple paths...

How do we change this?

Manish...appreciate your blog..👍

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You can start small.. for health , start with excluding 1 for today or picking up weights / push ups for 5 mins .. and then do it again tomorrow, just that one small thing.. and then do it again..

You’ll be surprised what you could turn into if you continued this habit over months and years ..

When I started reading, it was just one commitment that kept me going.. 1 page a day at least.. even when I didn’t feel like .. this habit over years( decades actually) has allowed me to read 100s of books and made me so much better a person.. it was just one page a day.. which morphed into hours of daily reading as on today..

Try it.. stick to it.. and then it sticks with you for good ..

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Insecurity well-defined..Brilliant

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