We live in the best of times for professional and personal growth, but why does the world still appear unsafe, chaotic, toxic, and woke?
Am I doing something wrong?
"Bad news travels at the speed of light; good news travels like molasses." - Tracy Morgan
Important Statistics from around the World
The global literacy rate has increased from 66% in 1970 to 86.3% in 2023
Life expectancy has increased globally i.e. an average rise of 20 years since 1960.
The number of internet users has grown from zero in 1990 to over 5.4 billion in 2023
The % of undernourished people has decreased from 33% in 1970 to 10.7% in 2023
Perks of the Modern World for You & Me
All the information of the world is available at our fingertips
Communication Tools have made relationships healthy and long-lasting
We have access to all kinds of foods throughout the year inspite of seasonality
Travel has become affordable allowing us to explore the beauty across countries
Science has advanced tremendously allowing us to dream of living till 100+ gracefully
This is Great, but Why doesn't it feel so?
These developments would make our historical figures want to come out of their graves and live their lives again. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Benjamin Franklin didn't have access to air-conditioned rooms, air fryers, EVs, or Bullet Trains - stuff we have taken for granted.
We have become like those entitled children who cry nonstop for toys that haven't been purchased yet, inspite of having a room full of toys and games already.
On top of it all, our attention spans have shortened and they have been hijacked by news and social media companies that have understood the magical impact negative news has on your senses.
They know that you will watch Puff Daddy S*x Scandal news, or the miseries inflicted across Ukraine & Gaza, or the arrest of Gunmen responsible for the massacre in Crocus City Hall in Moscow. These will grip your attention and let time fly, even if you don't like what you see while they keep adding dollars to their trillions in the vault already.
Our Personal Bias
Our "negativity bias" also is to blame. It is evolutionary and has allowed us to survive on Earth by being on alert always in the presence of danger or uncertainty.
It's also been found that our brain is more sensitive to negative stimuli than positive ones, and it's known as the "negativity effect".
These biases are being milked by corporations under the veil of protecting or informing us about potential threats and dangers in our environment.
Only Solution
Limit your intake of news and focus your energy on building your world.
I'm a Banker and a Writer, and I'm diving deep into subjects that fascinate me i.e. human psychology and longevity. These play an important role in my success and vitality and also allow me to assist others in meeting their goals without stress or anxiety. I enjoy that, which makes the world come across as a wonderful place, to me !!!
You could be an artist, a chess player, a professional boxer, or a politician. You too could dive into your domain and become the best at it. And you should. The world waits for you to shine and take your tribe along with you to greener pastures.
100% agree on limiting the news! Personally I am not reading any news, not even the weather forecast. I wake up, write, do some Substack and keep on doing my other work. What is important for me to know will find the way to my mind, everything else is irrelevant.