“Whey Protein is a good source of protein” I said
My friend replies “But whey protein is made of worms and it's bad !”
I was dumbstruck like I saw a dinosaur from my balcony. I said “What? Where did you hear that?”
He replies “I read it somewhere”
This actually happened a few weeks back and since then I’ve been meaning to write about people’s tendency to sift through stuff peripherally while having the notion that they know the truth. And that’s purely an outcome of the ease with which information is available online, which makes one ignore putting in the effort to get to the bottom.
Not only is information available in abundance, Google even knows the information you are seeking.
Just type “is whey” on google and see what the AI suggests.
And you are of course pressed for time with 10 things more on your laundry list, so you will directly go to the answer provided, make up your mind, and voila, you have discovered the truth. That’s not the dangerous part, but what follows next is.
Once you have the illusion of knowledge, now you will make every choice or decision on the basis of the (peripheral) knowledge you have garnered. Not realizing that it just might be a sub-optimal one or even a harmful one at times.
Where it gets worse is that you might make this a part of your identity and stick to these choices as an expression of who you are. This not only leads you to band with others with extremely rigid views, but it also makes you vulnerable to joining the bandwagon in making your voice heard by others, with force if not amicably.

These 2 protestors may be ardent believers in Green Energy, but how much do they know about the modern world and its million components that get derived from energy alone? One literally can’t spend 10 mins without consuming/experiencing something that didn’t have Oil & Gas to play a role in its creation.
Every single item shown above is made possible with oil & gas. It doesn’t stop here but goes even deeper into places that you just won’t believe. What if I told you that even soaps, antiseptics, and aspirin need oil & gas? Even the button on your shirt comes from oil & gas? And also the diapers, pacifiers, and toys used by parents and babies around the world?
I will let Doomberg elaborate on this further -

This thread alone would make you think about the ignorance of many ESG / Climate activists that are shouting out loud for Green Energy and wanting drastic measures today. In fact, today is also late for them, they want it right now. And they believe they are changing the world, but that extremist viewpoint comes at a cost - personally and to society, as seen in the video above.
Getting information from Google or from somewhere is just that - information. It ain't knowledge. Knowledge is when you have digested enough information to realize the good, the bad, and the ugly. Knowledge is when you have gone deep enough to understand the payoffs possible and the inherent risks, the options available, and the trade-offs on each. Knowledge also is when you have personally experienced it and now can make sense of what information you have assimilated so far. Experience, experimentation, thoughtful analysis, and decision-making based on these is what builds actual knowledge.
I will also admit that going deep on every subject is impossible. And hence when google maps tells me to take a left at the next junction, I will. Or if google takes me to reviews of the ‘Black Adam’ movie, I will read the ones being dished out to me.
But surfing information this way is avoidable for matters of deep interest or significant importance.
Getting rid of thyroid required me to go through 6 books in 2015 and it's been 7 years that I have been off that dis-ease. Feels good to be healthy and kicking ass again.
Getting rid of the general tendency to use leverage to buy houses/cars/gadgets didn’t come easy. Only after I was burdened enough with loans, did I realize the pain it can cause me in living my life on my terms. Today, I am debt free and won’t bite into the EMI option for anything marketed to me in bright glossy colors or with skimpily dressed models.
Getting better at communicating only happened after participating in Communication courses, Leadership seminars, Volunteering projects, and a job in Sales. If not for many of these experiences, I would have sucked at relationships and expression. I feel blessed to have gone through all the struggles in these endeavors, only to have gained enough experience about what makes a good relationship or what kind of communication lands well.
Google is good. It’s not everything.
So let go of that phone, look up and connect. Dive in and experience. Shake hands and try stuff together.
That’s the best way to build knowledge.
Rest if just fluff.
Recommendations for the week #
Elon Musk was recently interviewed by Financial Times and I found this interview fascinating. Elon shares his vision around Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla along with his perspectives on longevity, tweeting and all the negativity that gets showered upon him.
Morgan Housel delivers another home run with his piece on Little Rules about Big Things. You will laugh, pause, reflect, analyze, relate and realize how much of the piece applies to you and everyone in your circle. Must Read !!!
Paul Graham’s piece on Haters is an interesting one. If you have ever been trolled, hated, attacked, canceled, or sidelined. Then this piece is mighty relevant to understand what your haters go through mentally and why. And if you haven’t been hated ever, then it’s time you take some bold decisions and pursue them as your life depends on it. Then see how the haters come to you ;)
I am back in Dubai after a lovely trip to Mumbai. Got to spend time with my parents, sister, cousins, and many friends. Watched a few movies too, and India vs South Africa was exciting to watch with my dad. Nothing beats being home. Already looking forward to my next trip :)
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend.
And Loads of Love & Luck too 😇