Don't miss out on "Today" for a "Tomorrow" that may not arrive
Procrastination - Sense of Urgency - Time on Earth - Living it Up
“It appears to me that almost any man may, like the spider, spin from his own inwards his own airy citadel.” - John Keats
Isn’t tomorrow an airy citadel, too?
Is it guaranteed to arrive?
Does anyone know?
These are important questions because so many of our intentions are flagged to the “tomorrow” file in the hopes that we will access it later and get started.
“Tomorrow” is the perfect day to start a business
“Tomorrow” is a good day to meet my best friends/buddies
“Tomorrow,” I begin learning that new subject I always wanted
“Tomorrow” is the day I get going with my health or my gyming
“Tomorrow” will be nice to catch up and get that situation addressed
“Tomorrow” will be possible to take parents/family out for a short trip
“Tomorrow” schedule is light to accommodate taking care of my back/cramps
Tomorrow / Later / Not Now - all different versions of this elusive future that we keep dumping our intentions in
Before we realize it, more intentions are added to it, and the file keeps expanding, just like our timelines on Instagram or X.
In the meanwhile, where is today getting invested?
Regretting the past instead of learning from the past
Lazing around as some had a tough week that went by
Passing time as some ain’t motivated enough to do much
Taking things or people for granted as if these will stay forever
Prioritizing ‘ME’ time to recharge to take on a similar version of yesterday
Envying others while they hide 99% of the struggles they are going through
Worrying about tomorrow instead of building the deeply cherished tomorrow
Only because tomorrow is yet to arrive.
But, many a time, it won’t !!!
A college friend of mine and I have spent a lot of time together playing cricket, traveling overseas, building side hustles, and so much more.
He was a health-conscious individual who went for jogs or cycling almost daily. He had a vibrant personality with lots of warmth and grace.
But he is no more. He had a cardiac arrest yesterday and passed away in minutes, before anyone could do anything. I visited his home, and the family was devastated, and it saddened me deeply to see that.
I still can’t digest the news.
But it made me wonder about the ultimate dream I share with everyone: Living to 100 so that I can read more, travel more, and give more to my community and society.
But will it even come?
The odds are low that I will live to 100, and the odds are even lower that I will live to 100 with good health and mobility. The odds get lower if I consider all the stuff I have ingested or inhaled in all these years. These make 100 a distant possibility and, hence, a pure jackpot if it were to happen.
But I ought to be prepared for being on this rock called Earth only for a short time and making the most of my hours today. We all ought to realize that time is running out, and Yamraj is out there on his Harley, picking up a soul or two on every trip downtown.
Today is all we have.
That’s a brilliant way to live. One day at a time. Giving it all we have.
Doing something generous today (sharing/donating/seva)
Doing something courageous today (self-express/volunteer)
Doing something loving today (complimenting/appreciating)
Doing something crazy today (starting a new course/business)
Doing something ambitious today (declaring your goal in public)
Doing something that makes us stronger today (walking/jogging/stairs)
There could be so many ways to live 1% better TODAY !!!
And if Yamraj were to arrive to meet us one day, we could look back and say, “I lived” instead of “I hoped to live.”
Wishing you all a thoughtful day ahead.
Sending you loads of love and luck 🧿