“I always lose money in Investing”
“I don’t understand numbers”
“Working out is so boring”
“Desserts post meals is a must for me”
“It’s Sunday. It’s time to loosen up and just chill”
“I hate reading”
Have you heard people making these statements? Have you made these statements sometimes too? If yes, then do think about the source of this line of thought - do people actually think on those lines on their own, or do they get influenced by others to think the same way?
Maybe they have heard others saying it and hence deem it fit to be used for themselves too.
Maybe they have seen others give up and hence could be resorting to taking the easy way out
Maybe they think they can live one day at a time, without any attention to long-term consequences. Maybe they didn’t have anyone emphasizing the downside of this approach.
These are just maybe’s.
But another person, in the same situation, could be thinking completely differently. For e.g.
“I’ve lost money in Investing but I am learning from my mistakes and getting better at the game”
“I don’t understand numbers but I’m trying to get a grip on the subject”
“Workouts ain’t fun but it surely is worth it”
“Desserts post meals are yummy but I’ll give it a skip”
“It’s Sunday. I’ll take it easy workwise and spend time in building quality relationships at home”
“I hate reading but I give it a shot every day for at least 30 pages”
How did he develop this line of thought?
Maybe they heard others saying it and hence find it the most practical way forward
Maybe they have seen others choosing the painful path for better long term outcomes
Maybe they had someone always emphasizing the dangers of an easy way out
The former stops at an emotion. The latter ends with responsible execution. Both are lines of thought and both are inspired by the people you are surrounded with. Hence the saying by Buffet “Your destiny is determined by the 5 people you spend the most time with”.
It’s not that you consciously chose your friends, parents, colleagues in your early years. They just happened to be the ones around you and hence you picked up a few traits from them. This process of getting influenced is subconscious in nature. You didn’t enter a conversation or relationship to be influenced, but you still did get impacted. It could be years before you even figure that out about yourself.
Humans are like cells - they nourish themselves from what they come in contact with. Humans are social animals and hence their interaction with everyone else does land up leaving an imprint. Sometimes it is a life-defining one, but mostly it remains at a subtle level. And if you do not understand that, then re-examining your choices to date might make things clear.
I’ll share a few influences on me -
Music #
My entire selection of music comes from Tim Ferriss's 5 Bullet Friday Newsletter. Kerala Dust, Nikola Cruz & Ben Bohmér would constitute 90% of my listening and it all came from Tim’s collection. I only got deeper into House Music post listening to all these artists time and again.
Today, I highly recommend these to others and sometimes even include a few tracks in the recommendations of the week section in my newsletter. While at work, my AirPods are churning one collection after another, keeping me in the zone to execute my work diligently. It keeps me in the zone i.e. state of flow and that shows in my work.
You can listen to my favorite ones here, here & here.
Longevity Stack #
I had no idea about longevity until I read Bulletproof Diet in 2015. That book changed my perspective on food, nutrition, and fitness. More importantly, it gave me the tools to think about designing a life that would make living till 100 very probable.
I learned about fasting from Dave Asprey and hence indulge in Intermittent Fasting (IF) almost 6 days a week. My fasting time ranges from 14 to 18 hours and I can feel a huge impact on my energy levels, sleep quality, digestion, and mental clarity.
Avocadoes, Organic Coffee, MCT Oil, Ghee, Berries, Dark Chocolates, and many more foods have become an essential part of my daily nutrition stack. I even carry my own packs of grounded coffee Insta packs wherever or whenever I travel. My supplement stack could surprise you but let me give you a sneak peek into it -
It might look like I am overdoing it, but if you knew everything that I know, you too would do away with pharmaceutical medications for good and make good quality supplementation a non-negotiable part of your life. I have never been as physically energetic or mentally alert as I am today, and Dave Asprey had a huge role to play in it.
“High-performing people know that getting their food right is the number one human upgrade” ― Dave Asprey
Investing #
Someone recently commented that everyone can’t buy and hold for the long term, as short-term fluctuations in the stock market are gut-wrenching for most. I am certainly not on the “most” list, but I used to be.
I own a few stocks in my portfolio that are more than 30% down from the cost of purchase i.e. Ali Baba, Twitter & Xpeng. But it doesn’t matter till the time the company is executing well and showing signs of growth. It’s only Twitter in the list above that I need to take a call on holding or exiting, but it won't hurt me emotionally to book that loss and move on to something better. I am not loss averse as I have accepted it as the tuition fees to play this game.
I wasn't this way just a few years back. I would be as anxious as others and the market gyrations will definitely impact my mood on that day. But since I’ve started reading on Buffet, Munger, Pabrai, and many others, it feels effortless to take this volatility in my stride and focus on the process instead of short-term movements. Short-term losses hurt enough to learn from them so that I do not repeat the same mistake again.
I’ve become like a fly on the wall, observing how these legends have executed their roles and continue to do so. I listen to their interviews, hear con-calls and read books in my free time. Today itself I have heard quarterly con calls from the management of Laurus Labs and Deepak Nitrite, 2 of my portfolio holdings in India. . Just the very observation on daily basis, allows me to think clearly and make Investing decisions. Some go right and some don’t but I get to learn either way.
“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” - Henry Adams
Attitude #
I recently watched the Youtube video of Money Life Corporate Governance Award with 2021 finalist Dr. Satyanarayana Chava and his simplicity was refreshing to listen to. His company has a valuation of INR 26,000 crore (USD 3.5 billion ) and he still exhibits frugality in his expenses, empathy for his people, and clarity in his vision, which was very inspiring to witness. Listening to Vikram Mehra, MD of Saregama, is also a delightful experience. On every Investor call, he educates us about the Indian music industry in the most precise terms possible and permissible within his role as an MD. The same applies to many other Founders, Leaders, Asset Allocators, Fund Managers & Entrepreneurs.
If one was to listen to people like these on a constant basis, it is highly probable that you will get influenced by their principles, values, vision, demeanor, and even their attention to detail.
Just in case you are wondering that this could result in herd mentality, then I’d like to clarify - buying blindly what Mr. Warren Buffet is buying is herd mentality but exhibiting frugality in your money related decisions, exhibiting patience with your investment decisions, acting instantly when facts change, sticking to your process no matter how emotionally exciting it is to bite in and many other traits would mark you as influenced by Warren Buffet, which very few have been. Many people have been inspired by Mr. Buffet, but a few have been really influenced. There is a difference.
Being influenced would require you to have that person in your life on a regular basis, his words entering your ears, again and again, his demeanor being viewed by you, again and again, his expressions intriguing you enough to question your own systems and processes in place. That’s where influence begins. Inspiration is easy but short-lived. Influence is subtle but more impactful and profound.
The flipside to being influenced is that you too land up influencing people, whether you like the sound of it or not. You might force things on your own family, but you land up leaving an impression on others, subconsciously. That might remain as a memory for others or impact them forever.
Let me share a few that I can think of -
My Wife’s Eating Habits #
I still remember the first time Usha & went shopping at Carrefour. This was after our wedding in 2012. And I clearly remember her moving towards the aisle of chips, while I’m thinking she might pick a packet or two for knick-knacks. But I was flabbergasted when I saw her removing a jumbo pack of Mr. Crisps for her own consumption. That would be containing at least 50 small-sized packs inside. That was my first jaw-dropping moment post-wedding.
We have been together for almost 10 years now and I don’t remember seeing her eat these chips at least in the last 6-7 years. She has cut down on her sugar, has her protein milkshakes, avoids junk food except for her regular panipuris, prefers organic eggs over normal ones, and likes eating healthier foods. You have no idea how happy that makes me :) If I’m living 100+, I’d like her company till then for sure.
Mom In Law #
My mother-in-law stays with us in Dubai and she would observe me having my Protein Shakes early in the morning and was tempted to try it for herself. The Whey Protein Shakes didn’t suit her well but the Vegan Shakes have become her favorite morning breakfast, to begin with. Recently, my sister-in-law has also started having them, as I’ve been told by Mom. The Organic Store is super happy with my loaded shopping cart on every visit. Everyone seems happy here :)
Colleagues starting SIP #
I have been doing SIP (Systematic Investing Plan) in Indian stocks for years and that has turned into a sizeable portfolio today. I would discuss the same with my colleagues and over time, they too have started SIPs on quality stocks. I can’t comment on the potential returns on their stock purchases, but I am happy about the monthly saving habit many have established for themselves.
Friends reading on Longevity #
I have a friend who has started following podcasts from David Sinclair, as recommended by me in a forward to him. And recently he was asking me about Berberine Supplement and when to consume the same, in what doses? I did answer his question, but I was happy about the fact that he has started reading/listening to stuff that could be instrumental in him living a healthier and happier life.
As a matter of fact, I had sent that message to more than 20 people, only 1 replied. I am not attached to the outcome, as I am committed to the process of sharing what I learn with everyone I care about. It’s a Win-Win either way.
Roommates doing CFA #
My first roommate in Dubai saw me studying for CFA in 2006 and took on pursuing CFA himself. He landed up clearing all the levels in 3 years whereas I dropped out, post clearing Level 2 in 2008, only to pick it up again in 2020. But my roommate aced his job interviews post his charter and today is the Senior Portfolio Manager in one of the biggest Capital Market Groups in UAE. I take no credit for his success, but I am happy that I “may” have played a role in influencing him to start his CFA journey.
There are umpteen examples in my mind that are proof enough for me to realize that my choices and my actions are influencing someone, whether near ones or distant. That impact on others could affect them insignificantly or change their life forever. That impact could make others wiser, stronger, happier, or let them continue in their struggles. That impact could be subtle or could be a game-changer.
Just the way Tim Ferriss, Warren Buffet, and Dave Asprey have been to me. They never spoke to me in person or interacted with me on Zoom or by email. They continued to do what they do best, and along the way, their works became known to people like me and touched our lives profoundly.
You may not be an author, a doctor, or a billionaire - but you are a fellow human and you will influence others and also be influenced yourself. That’s just ‘being human’.

“Power is a tool, influence is a skill; one is a fist, the other a fingertip.” - Nancy Gibbs
So do keep an eye on what you read, whom you spend time with, what do you watch and whom do you follow. These choices alone hold the key for your long-term pursuits to come to fruition. They are either making you better and in turn, making many in your circle better. Or they are not.
The former is any day a way better choice. Think about it…
Recommendations for the week #
Sanjoy Bhattacharya, ex-CIO, HDFC AMC, has written a brilliant piece on ‘The Art of Selling’ on Forbes India. It is an insightful article on the thought process that goes into making decisions to sell or exit a position. As easy as it may sound, it seems to be one of the most difficult skills/processes to master, and the best have openly expressed their struggles with getting out too early or holding on till too late. Highly recommend this one if you buy direct equities.
If any of you are keen to understand different kinds of SaaS Business Models and are looking for opportunities in that space to invest in, then this Youtube video by Ameya is a good launchpad to get started on the rabbit hole. It’s simple and effective in explaining the various models, important metrics to track, differences in the businesses of the US & India, and much more.
I recently started watching Ted Lasso on Apple TV and I am loving the show. Its production quality, the cast of characters, humor, the eccentricity of the characters, and the overall vibe of the show. Brilliant 👌
Wishing you’ll a fantastic weekend ahead.
Stay Safe.
I keep this table open every day and have found the recommendations and article really intuitive, intentioned, and purposed. Thanks Manish.
Dear Manish, It is excellent woven of references to keep their intellectual perspective , and it is great to convey that your weekend perceptions allows one to reflect rethink and relearn , it is excellent piece of hard work worth your effort time and belief of Values .DR Venkateshan